Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Some Things Do not Need to Go to the CV

When applying for a job, we want to ensure that our CV is different from the others - but not for the wrong reasons. Well, that CV we do not end up in the trash, make sure the following five points are not contained in your CV!
1. Objective or purpose
Indeed there was a time when job seekers feel the need to write down their goals or shadow work. This is good for job seekers, but a waste of company time. Why? Because they are actually trying to find someone who could meet their criteria (rather than vice versa). Your writing is fine objective, but just save on your computer.
2. Personal Information
There is no need to include marital status, sexual appetites, the number of children, religion, or political affiliation in the CV. If you have a blog, so-so enter the URL if it has something to do with work. Do not insert the SIM number - if your CV is rejected, your personal information could be misused by irresponsible people.
3. Salary desired
Salary discussion is better done over the recruitment process. If you are asked to write the desired salary range, enter the range as wide as possible and be prepared to negotiate.
4. Experience / activity unrelated
There is no place for your work experience that are not related, membership clubs, or hobbies in your CV.
5. Weakness
In a job interview, often times we are asked what our weaknesses. But that does not mean we should first notify the company. Focus on your strengths.
Furthermore, remember these five important things when writing a CV:

Do not use the same resume for all job applications. Much better if you "sew" little CV is sent to each application, for different occupations require different skills.
Do not forget the cover letter. This is where you have the opportunity to "sell yourself" - show your skills and your CV to explain when there are odd. It also could be the perfect place for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the industry - and companies - are addressed.
Do not just list previous employment positions. But give a little explanation to the prospective boss about what skills you have acquired - and its relation to the work you are seeking. Do not forget to include the achievement.
There should be no typos. Especially when you type a greeting that one should "Father" to "Mother". No matter how great you are, your CV will most likely end up in the Recycle Bin.
Do not brag. If your resume pass the competition - and that's the goal, right? - A good boss will check all of the validity of the facts. Checking the facts on the Internet is not difficult. He can ask your former boss. So if there are odd in your CV, explain in a cover letter - or explain directly to the interview.
Sumber  : Yahoo!

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